Category Archives: New Year Greetings

Joy Fun Peace Love and Prosperity New Year 2016

Joy Fun Peace Love and Prosperity New Year 2016

Joy Fun Peace Love and Prosperity New Year 2016 is a real possibility, it has been said that the only corner of the Universe that the mankind can change is with in themselves.  Therefore it is vitally important to take some time out and think what kind of a year you want 2016 to be like?  Do you want to be like a boat that is out on the world wide waters of the Sea, tossed by the waves and the wind without a sail or a rudder? That is exactly what the mind can provide for you, it provides the sail and the rudder when used correctly.

Joy Fun Peace Love and Prosperity New Year 2016


Up the crap creek without a Paddle

The Entire year is still a blank, it is now the first of the first 2016.  Therefore here is a fantastic opportunity to start writing your own fantastic future now, don’t delay or waste time.  Now is the time to start thinking in  a way that improves your future. Is is very much a real possibility to make changes for the better.  If you use your cognitive mind powers, as a sharp planning tool to design your future in the right direction for more success.

To some this may seem unrealistic, to others it is a no brainer. Of course one needs to use his/her noggin to plan the future very precisely, life should not be a gamble, it is a high risk gamble with time to let it go by without doing nothing about improving one’s life.

Make changes in your physical space, and get more organized

In the natural environment there are trees, shrubs plants and flowers. All of these things can be a meaningful time to think and to consider how life dies and gives birth to new life. Comparing to the human creativity and technology, like art, craft, textiles and homemaking, photography, videos and other sources of multimedia, the natural environment is truly visually inspiring, and it is so fantastic with biodiversity.

Decision Making Video link. 

Are you sad or perhaps depressed?

Depression and sadness can be caused by negative feelings and poor environment, which may be due to lack of creativity, not able to change the circumstances and the personal environment. Simply put a person has become stuck in a depressing rut. The way out of such rut is to be proactive.  Here are some simply steps to get out of a depressing rut:

Clean the house, start by removing useless rubbish and thoroughly make the living space really tidy with lots of free space. Including removing clutter from table tops, benches, room corners, wardrobes and cupboards. There is nothing unusual about such clean up, because in normal life things do accumulate over time and it needs to be taken care of by removing useless clutter every so often.

Think of the time when you first moved into the space that you live in, can you remember how much spare space there was, how the floors space was also free of clutter. It may be practical to return the living space to the original state few times as a reminder of reality, and to help you keep focused on the goals that you want to achieve in life.

Useless clutter can be very distraction in the living space and it can eat up much energy and waste it.  The alternative is to use the energy focusing on the goals that you need to reach and do every day in order to reach the big goals in your life that you perceive to be situation where you are healthy, happy and content in life.  The beginning of the New Year is such a time to really do a thorough clean up of the home and living space, but do it with respect to the other people that may be sharing it you. Some people don’t understand how a living space can be a distraction to the goals in life. Maybe they have no personal goals in life. So it is good idea to share the New Year clean up idea with the people that you share the living space with, so that they are informed of the virtues of starting the New Year from a clean slate to make plans and clear objective goals for the New Year to work towards.

Thank you for visiting this site and reading up on this Joy Fun Peace Love and Prosperity New Year 2016 message.  Have a Great one!

Wishing our Friends and Family a Joyous Holiday filled with Peace, Love, and Prosperity.

Best Wishes for a Healthy New Year!