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New DJI Phantom 2 Vision

New DJI Phantom 2 Vision

New DJI Phantom 2, vision camera also has a video capability.

This is the Phantom 2 Vision – Your Flying Camera. Experience a new horizon of possibilities laid before you as you rise above the clouds. Capture the world …


New DJI Phantom 2 vision has a built-in Wi-Fi HD video camera.

Using the free DJI Vision app on their iOS or Android mobile device, users of the Vision can view live output from its camera as the DJI Phantom is in flight, teh camera can be remotely controlled, pre-set to take pictures at pre set intervals, start and stop video recording.  The new DJI Phantom also has additional features such as the application that allows to monitor aircraft parameters such as altitude, location, and battery charge level.

DJI Phantom battery type and range.

The DJI Phantom vision 2 battery has also been beefed up, to a improved 5,200-mAh lithium-polymer battery that sits on a slide carrier, it has a built-in on/off switch, and the flight time is now extended to 25 minutes, from the previous model of 15 minutes.

DJI phantom gimbal

Dji phantom vision 2 quad-copter comes with a two way gimbal and a dji  vision 2 camera as standard. It is not the Zenmuse upgrade version H3-2D gimbal which is used with the GoPro cameras to capture New Dimensions.

The new DJI Phantom vision 2 has loads of improvements over the previous Phantom model, take the time to seek out the changes and to consider how could benefit from the available features in this entry level aerial photography.

The dji phantom vision 2 cost is around $1000 for a time, it is a reasonable price considering it comes with a 14 MB camera and gimbal as standart.These are available from DJI web site.

  • Phantom 2 Vision+ with extra battery.
    EUR €1,159.
  • Phantom 2 Vision with extra battery. EUR €949.
  • Phantom 2 + EUR €949.
  • Phantom 2 + H3-HD. EUR €839.
  • Phantom 2 Vision. EUR €1,099.
  • Phantom 2 Vision EUR €888.
  • Phantom 2 EUR €589.

For more information for the Best camera Drone, visit web site http://bestcameradrone.net


dji phantom vision

Dji-2-vision +

DJI-Vision 2

phantom 2

Phantom vision

vision phantom