[uvc-youtube id=”Rht-QarvEM4″ width=”560″ height=”315″ autoplay=”0″ controls=”1″] New DJI Phantom Vision model is the latest in the phantom range.
Exclusive (follow up) interview with CEO, Colin Guinn discussing the new and yet to be released DJI Innovations VISION (FPV Camera) for the DJI Phantom. See …
New DJI Phantom Vision, has a built in camera with a rubber ball mounted isolator gimbal.
The New DJI Phantom Vision has on board memory card holder, that can record the flight action, the MC can be formatted and viewed currently from an iPhone. The iPhone application on the enables for the camera settings to be adjusted before/during flight, they are to take still photos, a sequence of photos with time interval control, video, recorded album, ambiance light, RAW, video recording in 1080p.
The camera can be programmed from the phone to take pictures at preset intervals for a given flight time, or to take pictures from a fixed position, a sequence of images of a given focus point flow of traffic.
New DJI Phantom Vision has more specific on flight information data available for the flight controller.
New DJI Phantom Vision flight information such as altitude, speed, attitude (angle degree), compass, distance and also the on board camera that can be controlled either in a; JIRO mode or manual mode, which means that once the New DJI Phantom Vision is up in the air and locked to a position, the camera can be viewed and panned by the operator, by moving the pointing direction of the phone.The Wifi range for the camera viewing in clear areas is said to be about 300 meters (watch video).
The New DJI Phantom Vision cost is less than the previous Generation 1, model that needed the accessories like Go-Pro 3 camera and quality Zenmuse gimbal.
New DJI Phantom Vision does not have the same cinema smooth quality as the Zenmuse gimbal with a Go-Pro3 camera, but it is more affordable straight from the box product. Only needing a iPhone (current phone option) clipped on control panel. There may be other phone applications, like Android options coming available soon. How about the Samsung range and the Nokia Lumia brand smart phones for the New DJI Phantom Vision flight recording and camera control via the WIFI. The New DJI Phantom Vision is on a roll, and constantly evolving with the innovative feed back from the promoters, professional photographers and the community of users of the DJI products. There are also many other changes being made to the Vision; propellers that can self secure onto the motors, without the use of tightening nuts, larger propellers, bigger and stronger battery, that enables a longer flight time. The signal frequency used between the control panel and the New DJI Phantom Vision will be 5.8 ghz. The Wifi communication between the New DJI Phantom Vision phone and the on board camera will be 2.4 ghz. The switch is the opposite of the current generation 1, DJI Phantom control panel, that is currently at 2.4 ghz.
Great interview!!! I have a 1st Gen Phantom and who knows, I may just have to sell mine to move up to the Phantom Vision. I’ll just wait until it’s alot more stable.
8:20 GoPro hero 3 has cam raw in protune mode
rtf crap
This was by far the best CEO presentation ever. I love the mocking statement of, “your so relaxed”. The way he ran the interview while doing everything without help sells the quad more than anything.
I’m glad DJI is headquartered right where I live. I’m hoping I can swing by and check one of these out during release.
Another alternative is the E Fite QX350. It may be cheaper but It’s not out yet…
How about under $500, or even less? Maybe not this generation, but that certainly seems to be where they`re heading. Making it as easy and accessible as possible. As FPV enthusiasts, we`re the early adopters. They`re targeting the majority.
Wow – thank-you for this! Now I totally get DJI and why Collin is such a great leader for that organization. It’s about easy; for the masses; changing people’s perspective – literally. What vision and how inspiring!
I hope this ships to the Netherlands when it comes out!
I want one……NOW
DJI is releasing new products much faster than they can supply them!!! DJI, if you are reading this, comprehending AND listening, YOU need to really step up your production AND, more significantly, at least make a few thousand of your new products Before you “wet my appetite!”
Great information, Thank you
It will be available 11/13 what is price? Could you please send me brochure or info manual to michaellandin53@gmail.com. Or send mesg or call 5092644511 USA! Would like a more complete packet of info w/ videos! PLEASE! In Jesus Love. Michael Landin
LOL … 5.8 .. wifi video … what a joke … cool but inappropriate for the task
5.8 control???? fly behind a tree youll lose it O.o
What a great update on the physical unit and the FPV iOS app. What a joke that it does not support the GoPro and quality gimbal? So strange.
It needs that.
Totally, this new unit should support the go pro and gimbal. So strange.
Why don’t they make it optional to fit the gimbal and gopro? all the fpv functions are so useful, the camera is so suspect.
yes! and fit the gimbal!
anyone got an answer for this?
IPad mini or iPod touch maybe. I’m still leaning towards the Phantom and my Gopro.
i can not wait
So I should wait and buy the Vision and not get the current Phantom?
What would be best ? Investing onto a Phantom with a Zenmuse gimbal or buying the new Pantom Vision turnkey ? I need this for aerial video shoots. Thanks
Yes, that has to be a wifi amp, the way its setting on the table with a mount pointed right at the Vision, for me, the amp dont make any difference, just wish it was mentioned if thats truely what it is..I will get one.
Sure would be nice to know what that device was that Colin moved to the front of the table at 10:10, a booster for wifi?, like to know before shelling out big bucks for this Beauty, and I want one.
I have just gained interest in multicopters. At most, FPV and aerial videography as a HOBBY.
I have gone through many websites looking at many different configuration to get to where I want to be.
The Phantom Vision — is where I want to be for now. I am sure this will tweak my interest further in the hobby. I cannot wait for it to come out. I just hope if falls within my budget.
Thanks DJI for make my dream come true.
There will also be released a ned DJI Phantom – 2. Generation later this year. So you can still use your gimballs and GoPro cameras. I have read that it will be more expensive than the old one though…