Category Archives: Complicated chopper manouvers

Cyclic/collective pitch mixing

[uvc-youtube id=”d2mITQ53kr8″ width=”560″ height=”315″ autoplay=”0″ controls=”1″] Cyclic/collective pitch mixing is a mix bag of tricks.

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Can helicopter fly upside down, and how do the rotor blades adjust to the directional force of gravity.  These questions and much more on this chopper wizard video.

Used in radio-controlled helicopters, Cyclic/collective pitch mixing (CCPM) reduces mechanical complexity and increases precision of control of the helicopter rotor‘s swashplate.

Conventional model helicopters use three independent servos to manipulate the swashplate. All three servos are used in varying amounts (i.e.: mixed) to tilt the swashplate forward and aft (longitudinal cyclic), varying the aircraft pitch, left and right (lateral cyclic), varying the roll.

To reduce the mechanical complexity of the helicopter, a CCPM system mixes the control inputs using software (usually running on the transmitter) and typically uses three interdependent servos to control the swashplate, with three linkages arranged around the swashplate at 120° intervals (there is a variation that uses 140° + 140° + 80° intervals). In addition to lower mechanical complexity, the interdependent servos share the workload. –wikipedia.

Cyclic/collective pitch mixing is a great challenge, in mastering a radio controlled helicopter.